The Emerald & District Co-Operative, since 1945, has been an integral part of Emerald, supplying the needs of local residents of the Dandenong Ranges.


Support your local community.
By being a member of the Emerald & District Co-Op you will support your local community because it is our policy to support financially local organisations and community / charity groups.


Save Save Save - cheaper than down town after you receive your discount.
Variable discounts on most products, excluding promotional and sale items. You will quickly recoup the cost of joining the Emerald & District Co-op with a one off membership fee.


Local service – delivery today.
The staff at the Emerald & District Co-op make a point of ensuring all our customers receive top service. We have an extensive range of products; what we don’t have we will get in. Our aim is to ensure you can always BUY LOCAL.

Our Stores and Services

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